Popular Seriality

Just a quick reminder that the theme week on “Popular Seriality” is underway over at In Media Res. The first two posts are up, and there’s been some lively discussion. So check it out and spread the word!

Here, again, is the lineup of presenters/curators for the week, along with our titles:

Monday, Dec 12Frank Kelleter
“That Soothing Balm of Latent Discontent: MAD MEN Unstresses the 21st Century”
Tuesday, Dec 13Shane Denson and Ruth Mayer
“Plurimediality and the Serial Figure”
Wednesday, Dec 14Jason Mittell
“Serial Characterization and Inferred Interiority”
Thursday, Dec 15Andreas Jahn-Sudmann
“TV Series, Metaseriality and the Very Special Episode”
Friday, Dec 16Daniel Stein
“Authorizing Alternative Authorships: The Popular Serialities of Superhero Blockbuster Spoofs”